What role does technology play in your organization? Did your technology help your company achieve its business goals? Is your current setup going to help you scale? How can you leverage technology to improve efficiency?
If you're not sure if your technology is working for you or against you, it's time to evaluate your current technology strategy. By asking the questions listed below, you can begin to get an understanding of your current technology operations, and how they're helping or hindering your organization:
How many devices are in your company?
It's important to stay on top of the devices used within your company. How many people are using office computers? Do your employees bring their own laptops to work? Is there an old device from a former employee that is clogging up your network? If you work with an IT managed service provider (MSP), they should be keeping track of this inventory to know what devices to monitor and how to keep your information safe. If you have an internal IT team, they should be able to answer these questions as well.
How old are each of your devices?
Knowing the age of each device in your IT environment can help you prioritize what needs to be upgraded. Using older technology could make you more susceptible to security threats. And as much as you might love your trusty old Windows desktop computer, it could save you significant time and money in the long run to upgrade your technology. Technology has a lifespan, and by having a lifecycle management strategy in place, you can ensure that you're getting the most out of your technology while improving your cybersecurity standing.
Do these devices get regular software updates?
We know how tempting it is to continually click "remind me later" on update pop-ups. But regularly updating software is critical, as these updates patch potential security concerns, reinforce your network, and improve software performance. It's important to know if all your company's devices are staying up to date on the latest software, and that they are being updated on a routine basis. A patch management strategy can help ensure that your organization is keeping all critical applications and systems up to date.
Do you have user account policies defined?
How often do your employees update their passwords? Do you have accounts that haven't been logged into for over a year? Are there still accounts from previous employees that are taking up valuable bandwidth? Unused accounts and old, weak passwords pose serious risks and can leave you open to security vulnerabilities. Setting clear account policies and organizing your accounts can keep your company safe from malicious entities.
Ready to improve your IT operations?
If you're unsure of the answers to any of the questions above, evaluating your technology environment may be an important step in improving your operations and security. At Blackink IT, we specialize in assessing organizations' IT environment and building technology roadmap unique to their business. Ready to begin improving your technology and cybersecurity? Reach out to Blackink IT today – we're excited to learn about your organization!